14 July 2005


I've been spending a lot of time lately asking God to tell me what His will is for my life. A lot of time. I even went so far the other day to ask for a sign--a dangerous proposition, I know...but nevertheless, there I was.

As far as I can remember, I've never really received a bona fide sign from God before. Don't get me wrong--God has been there alongside me and guiding me all the while, but never in a way that was clear-cut or divinely revealed to me. Like all of us, how I have wished for that type of clarity many times before.

Maybe it was my desperation this time that made the difference. God's been speaking to me, and in this instance, providing signs to help point out the direction I should take. The choices I have to make are still difficult ones and there is still a lot I don't know, but each passing confirmation that God numbers my steps is starting to make this fork in the road less anxious and more faith-full.

I find all of this an amazing and humbling experience. What was I thinking, telling God to give me a sign? Who am I, after all, to demand things of the Almighty?

He heard my cry, for I am, despite everything...His child.


Dr. Thursday said...

You said "Who am I, after all, to demand things of the Almighty?"

But He Himself told us "ask and you shall receive." And somewhere else, "what father among you would give his son a stone when he asks for some bread? So, if you with all your sins know how to give your children what is good, HOW MUCH MORE will your Heavenly Father give to those who ask!"

I put "HOW MUCH MORE" that way because Chesterton says that this is the "Lord's literary style"...

Or, as JPII liked to say "Fear not! Set out into the deep!"

We all face these questions - and must therefore support each other with prayer...

Josh said...

Indeed you are right. I guess I just marvel at the priveleges we do have as children of God.

Because surely we don't deserve this, save by that grace which makes us all stand.

Thanks for the encouragement, friend.

Josh said...

I made a slight change in the post.

Who am I? His child.