30 April 2006

Dearly Beloved

I saw something beautiful yesterday. I don't think I really expected to or had given much thought to it previously, but there it was.

You see, last night I had the opportunity to watch a couple renew their wedding vows after 25 years of marriage. The fact that they had loved together so long was itself beautiful...but there was something else very particular that stuck out to me as a thing of wonder.

After the two had repledged their lives to each other and promised faithfulness and love, the time came for the exchange of rings. The tokens of their affection for one another. The symbols of their love.

What happened next was unlike any wedding I have ever been to. To my amazement, their two grown daughters ascended the platform, stood next to the bride and groom, and placed the rings on their parents' fingers.

There they were. A husband and wife joined together in love all of these years renewing their promises through words and symbol. The beauty of it was that the expression of their commitment--the very tangible expression visible for all to see--was no longer two bands of metal.

It was the product of their union, the true testament of their love: their daughters conceived and nurtured as a part of that 25-year old pledge.

As the four of them stood there in that brief tableau, daughters next to parents, rings placed on fingers, vows made incarnate...I knew I was seeing something of beauty. A little, perhaps, of what marriage is all about.

I hope that it is something I never forget.


Anonymous said...

Hey Josh,

It's Jenn--nice job on the blog. I have it bookmarked and we read it often. I sent you an email--respond to it or call me when you get a chance to set up some plans for July.


Josh said...

Hey Jenn,

Sorry about not responding yet. I got the e-mail, but there's tons of craziness with the end of the semester and other nonsense :) I'm not entirely I'll be there in July yet. Will be in contact soon.