25 July 2006

Raven Haired Riddle

Sonnet VII

From end to end the earth does not allow
Extremities as deep as those inside
No tempest, gale, tornado can endow
To me a greater storm in which to hide.
Like sun reflected from a crystal sea,
Her eyes remind at once of younger days
A laugh, a touch, a season filled with ease
Recall at once my heart that's never strayed.
Yet steady her affections seem not be,
And knowing this I comprehend so well
That though again what both my eyes have seen
Her wish remains still that an end be called.
On days like this it seems, just as she spoke;
On others? Moments bright yet rumour hope.

-J. Ziefle-

1 comment:

miguelito said...

A beautiful Poem My friend. Only an inspired man can write as you have.